Information on the Mojave Trails National Monument (MTNM)

NOTICE:  Extension for MTNM public comment announced:

The Mojave Trails National Monument, MTNM, period for substantive comments by the public has been extended to July 5, 2023.  If you haven’t already done so, please feel free to submit your written comments, with as much detail as possible.



The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wants to hear from you! BLM wants substantive comments from the public. Substantive refers to important, serious or relating to true facts. Your substantive comments should be based on your experiences. The more detail the better. Some suggestions include: Where in the MTNM, exactly, have you gone to collect? What was the road condition? Was there a road? Do you know the GPS location? What landmarks can you describe (gullies, boulders, outcrops, sandy soil, etc.)? Name the place or area you visited. Did you take students to the location? If you were on an organized field trip with a club or group, what did you collect? How often did you go there? Did you find new minerals? What are they? Did you take pictures? If so, submit some with your comments. Do you have a collecting story to tell? Basically, any or all of your experience regarding your collecting in the MTNM is what the BLM will be reviewing. I’m keeping a copy of my comments as a memento and as a record of our fight to save MTNM for future collectors, educators and scientists. Please “cc” me to include your comments for MSSC’s record, as well.

We have to make our case for collecting including: collecting minerals, rockhound collecting, educating students and youngsters about mineralogy, geology and other sciences so they can have experience. Who would have thought our past experiences doing what we love could prove to be so vital to save doing what we love for others to enjoy? There are 1.6 million acres at stake in the Mojave Trails National Monument. Please don’t hesitate!  As per Goodreads: “…Your hesitation leads you toward the defeat…”
Tell your friends. Ask if they will support your efforts and, if they are willing to share their experience of MTNM by making Public Comment to BLM. Every voice is critical.


 MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT regarding Mojave Trails National Monument (MTNM) before the deadline of June 20, 2023.

Addresses for written Public Comments:  Substantive written comments may be submitted anytime through June 20, 2023

U.S. Mail:

Attn: Mojave Trails National Monument Planning c/o

Needles Field Office, 1303 S.U.S. Hwy 95 Needles CA 92363 


e-mail comments to or

Please enter MTNM Public Comment in subject area.

We’re in this together. We can win this battle together.

Thank you,
Angie Guzman
MSSC President


A letter from MSSC President, Angela Guzman to the BLM regarding MSSC participation in the scoping process

For information on How to Get Involved

A visual of what would be lost,  help keep rockhounding legal!